New MOTTO- "THINK" with our "HEARTS"

Here I sit on my recliner,
Out on the balcony in the tepid yet soothing breeze of air,
Warm as its been days since it last rained on this part of the earth,
An unavoidable repercussion of urbanisation,
The light of the moon seems to soak into the amalgamation of heavenly and human creations,
It overlaps the entire expanse in front of my eyes with a blanket of monotonous white light,
How serene seems the entire earth,
How pacifistic is the illusion of a placid universe.

But as I sink into the pillow of my recliner,
I behold the doubtful, turbulent sense of peace,
I doubt my own existense,
I wonder whether it is a distorted feeling of euphoria,
Which actually is a delusion of my perception,
Which can break and shatter into a million pieces at any fraction of a second,
Just like a pier glass does.

I fear, in a second my bliss may take an unexpected transformation into despair,
It makes me wonder, if I would be wrong in quoting "we are own own enemies",
We humans give each other- wounds that seldom heal,
Much more worse are the broken hearts that shall never learn to trust again,
Life lost in the metamorphosis form childhood to adulthood,
Innocence lost in survival of the fittest,
Race to success has brought-
Apathy in relations; Materialisations in creations,
And thats the mantra of the tech age.

We live our lives in constant fear,
Fear of ailments, Fear of mayhem,
Fear of Judas kiss, Fear of being senescent,
Fear of incompetency, Fear of cessation...

Yet we try to express them in a euphemistic way,
Hopelessness haunts, Rich stamp the poor,
Unequality is a part of all modern structures,
Greed has become a kinsman.

Where do I stand in this scenario?
What is my role amidst this turmoil?
Is my place in the gallery?
Or am I supposed to remain neutral until the calamity strikes my kindred?

I refuse to be a mere spectator of the human-made catastrophies,
I refuse to deny that change has to begin from me,
I refuse to be blindfolded to the miseries of my fellow humans,
I refuse to be a victim of my own fears and insecurities,
I refuse to let my heart be callous.

I wish we humans would start acting more with Heart, rather than brains,
I feel- Heart talks Love, while Brain talks Profit,
Heart is unaware of hypocrisy, But brain is conditioned to all the ways of the world,
Let the heart speak, Let Almighty abide in your hearts,
And let's experience the transformation within as it moves to and fro to transform the lives of others,
And slowly, gradually yet steadily the whole world will be transformed...

The day is not far my dear friends,
When this might be true, When the whole earth becomes like heaven,
If at all consciousness wins over our mind,
If at all we start to "THINK" with our "HEARTS".

Heart spreads Love,
And love brings transformation,
Then the heart is not beating, but love is beating;
Then the blood is not circulating, but love is circulating;
Then the eyes are not seeing, love is seeing;
Then the hands are not moving to touch, Love is moving to touch...

And this can happen only if we "THINK" with our "HEARTS".

7 Responses
  1. Nethra Says:

    it was very long :-/ but well written

  2. Joyson Johny Says:

    Thanx Nethra.. :-) it was like words were flowin in torrents and I couldin stop myself.. :-) Will try to keep it short and sweet next time.. Catch u around soon.

  3. milan antani Says:

    tag a dictonary along with the blog...!!!lolzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. Joyson Johny Says:

    Haha Milan.. Lolzz.. if blogger wud allow dat..

  5. Unknown Says:

    Good poem bro, keep it up. Just try to keep some words that I can understand! I was jokin. It was good; not good, but a great poem. so keep up the good work pitae.

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