The essence of a drop...

A drop accounts for a negligible, lets say microscopic percentage of an ocean. Nature, has always been one of man's supreme teacher. Lessons taught by nature has empowered man to break his own limits of growth and technological advancement. So, what has a drop in an ocean got to do with man's growth and human life? It is paradoxical to say- man paves the path of his growth by digging his own grave. Most of his advancements have been the root of his own miseries. Man- most intelligent creation of God, yet at times so feeble minded and imbecilic... Modern day miseries to a great extent could or can be prevented with our efforts. This really calls for an introspection into our personal lives and an attempt from our part. But what is our response to the present situation. Dont we find backing ourselves, from many of the situations thinking "what difference does it make if I stand for the truth or not?!" I personally find myself doing this many a times. Every person inhibiting the face of the earth is liable to make this earth a better place to live, for us, our children, & the coming generations. Each one of us is like a drop in this Virtual Ocean of approx. 7bn population thriving on the earth. We assume that our responsibility in this hell of a lot is as meager as a particle of sand on a beach. Theoretically thinking its right. but practically it makes a lot of difference. Even the great Olympic event needs a torch bearer to start it off. Same way many a times we humans lack initiative, thinking of the potential discouragements that we could face. But as they say in Hindi- "Boondh boondh milkar sagar bantha hain" -( Numerous droplets unite to form an ocean). Let me put it up in a slightly different way- an ocean can never be formed if u seperate all the droplets apart. Am I right my friends? An initiative from our part sparks up a second person which in turn sparks up a third person and lo, the fire is soon gaining momentum and it spreads with the help of the wind that blows and soon it becomes a wild fire. Confused how the drop in an ocean became wild fire now? Many of you might be. My dear friends, a drop in an Ocean is YOU, while the Fire Or Spark that is spreading is Your EFFORT to change the world into a better place. So what have you decided dear friends. Are you still going to sit out there refusing to be touched or are we going to create a difference??
3 Responses
  1. Rocksa Says:

    Nice read :) I've a suggestion. Please increase the font size if possible. Small fonts are difficult to read.

    Happy Blogging!

  2. Joyson Johny Says:

    Thanx for ur suggestion Raksha.. I'l do so.

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