Recylcing our lives....
A poem written by my 13yr old brother few years back.
When a 13yr old can understand such a serious issue dealing with our lives on earth, how can we grown ups act in such an immaturish way??
Mother Nature
What a lovely day,
Through a lonely way.
When through the once woods I wander,
Seeing the wounded nature I wonder;
What nature hath created in years,
Man has destroyed in hours.
When through the sea I glance,
All I see is refuse and waste;
I hear the fishes plead in plight,
'Man, stop your greedy sight'.
When I see the sky once so blue,
All I find is darkness rule,
Still hoping for a cheerful rain,
What I get is an acid dew.
O Man, stop destroying the nature,
Start forsighting the future,
Give nature its place,
To show your offspring future's face.
Poem by- Jeffin Johny.
We all are familiar with the rule, one who aids a criminal is a partner in his crime. Same way, if we dont play our part in the conservation of nature,
we are equally responsible as are all those greedy businessmen who for their profit are devouring the beauty and serenity of earth.
What we can best do from the positions that we are in our lifes should be done by us. I have often heard people saying earth is our mother... and those same people go outside and literally rape the nature by polluting the locality in the best way possible. All words and no actions are not even worth a dime. We need to refine our thoughts and actions. We need to recycle our lives. As quite, simple citizens of the world a very simple step that we can do is to use recyclable and bio-degradeable substances. It decreases pollution and increases the life on earth.
Are you going to recycle your today to give your children a better tomorrow?